25 Days ’til Christmas POST UPDATE

Temperatures, Thermometers, the holidays and the like

My blog post from November 25th discussed the need for getting out and doing all of the Christmas chores and duties taken care of prior to the arrival of winter weather and of family.  Now the holidays are virtually over, how did we all do in getting things ready?

Anyone shopping on Christmas Eve? Still making Christmas cookies the morning of Christmas day? Having three more visitors that the kids invited or brought with them for dinner on Christmas day?  Did the cat climb up the tree and pull it over? Grandpa had too much Eggnogg punch again? You just finished wrapping the last present at 5:30am as the little kids came barrelling down the stairs? The turkey and the oven mis-communicated, leaving you 25 lbs of charcoal to serve?

At least you got out on line and purchased the unique outdoor clock/thermometers that I suggested to you in that posting. Did you go to http:www.and-the-temperature-is.com to find some of your most difficult Christmas presents?

There was free shipping, plenty of inventory and lots of efforts to make the presents show up on time to be opened.  If you did use BEST OUTDOOR THERMOMETERS, congratulations on a well planned Christmas holidays.  If not, I hope you had a great Christmas holidays anyway.

Keep us on your radar screen as we work to bring you more of great items that should fit and finish your outdoor decor with panache.  Keep checking back with this blog as I tell you more about the weather and products for measuring and analysizing your local weather and how to keep warm, dry, and enjoy this winter as it decends upon us.

still lookin’ for the sun,

Weather Wizard

Come on out and see at http:www.and-the-temperature-is.com


Temperatures: Fahrenheit or Celsius? How to Calculate Each.


Conversion of Temperature – Celsius to Fahrenheit  (without a thermometer)

Everyone knows that 0 degrees Celsius is the same as 32 degrees Fahrenheit and that 100 degrees Celsius is the same as 212 degrees Fahrenheit. BUT WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE TEMPERATURES IN BETWEEN?

The Weather Wizard has come to your rescue. After hours of grueling research, thumbing through dusty, ancient tomes from the days of yore, interviewing old scientists between alteimer’s breaks, and working through days of mathematics to develop the following formulas to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice-versa

OK fine, I just typed it into Google and came up with the following:

Everyone knows that 0 degrees Celsius is the same as 32 degrees Fahrenheit and that 100 degrees Celsius is the same as 212 degrees Fahrenheit. BUT WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE TEMPERATURES IN BETWEEN?

From www.EHOW.com is the following two articles:

Fahreheit Temperature to Celsius

In order to convert temperature to Celsius from Fahrenheit, subtract the Fahrenheit number by 32, multiply by 100 and divide by 180. Convert 72-degrees Fahrenheit to 22.2 Celsius with tips from a math teacher in this free video on math lessons.

Read more: Video: How to Convert Temperature From Fahrenheit to Celsius | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/video_4991166_convert-temperature-fahrenheit-celsius.html#ixzz2FYQY9oyI

Celsius Temperature to Fahrenheit.


Complete the portion of the equation in the brackets. For example, if you were converting 98 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius, your formula would look like:

Tc = (5/9)*(98-32)

Tc= (0.556)*(66)

Multiply the values in the two brackets together to find out the temperature in Celsius. The formula would look like:  Tc= 36.696

Pretty simple huh. Okay so I didn’t really work all that hard to find these simple equations.  Like everything else, the answers available if you ask the right questions.

Best Idea is to get a thermometer with dual scales both Fahrenheit and Celsius like the one listed below: Galileo round pict

Go to http://www.and-the-temperature-is.com/roundgalileo

This Galileo unit has both temperature scales so reading both at once is the easiest way for conversion. There are numerous other thermometers, clock/thermometer combinations for sale at the Decorative Outdoor Thermometers web site.

Listed below are some additional sites with information about Celsius, Fahrenheit, and even Kelvin scales.

Good Luck with interpretations, I’m still working on keeping the sun,

Merry Christmas,
Weather Wizard.


Read more: How to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Kelvins | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_7923703_convert-fahrenheit-celsius-kelvins.html#ixzz2FYRnERUR



Do Outdoor Thermometers Work When It’s Cold Outside?

Isn't She Pretty?

Take a look at http://www.and-the-temperature.com and see many of the beautiful thermometers shown.   Functionality and  form, the outdoor thermometer has come a long way since the days of the classic, metal one, nailed to the frame of the door.

These were the ones with advertisements for Coke, Ford, the Marines, fun ones that featured Betty Boop.  Many of these were pop culture from 20s, 30s, 40s and even the 50s.  A number of these classics can be found at http://www.and-the-temperature-is.com/classics. Travel down memory lane or see what your dad used to find the temperature outside.

Yes, Virginia, outdoor thermometers do work in the cold of outdoors. Buy one, enjoy it, it will make a difference in your gardens and patio.

Weather Wizard