Ground Hog Day – Go Phil

Decorative Outdoor Thermometers

Early Spring – Outside Early

        Image: Ron Ploucha holds Punxsutawney Phil after Phil predicted an early spring on Saturday in Punxsutawney, Pa. (© Alex Wong/Getty Images)

February 2nd has come again. Unlike Bill Murray in the movie, “Groundhog Day”, Phil only has to go through this weather forecasting predicting once a year. Well he did it again today. Spring will be early this year, Phil did not see his shadow this morning, giving us the Groundhog proclamation for an early spring.

With the onset of an early spring, an outdoor thermometer seems to be the ideal addition to your yard and garden decor.  Despite the seemingly warm weather coming early, there may well be some cooler days or nights and you are going to need to know about it. How better a way to judge the temperature outdoors this spring, than adding an 18″ Outdoor thermometer to mount on a post or hang from a tree branch and/or rafter where you can see it . Knowing what the temperature is helps in determining what types of plantings or when the vegetables can be planted.  Too soon and the night time cold kills early seedlings, too late and our advantage of the spring is wasted.

Go to the Best Decorative Outside Thermometers for selections of a wide variety of analog or digital outdoor thermometers for your yard. Large diameter analog styles to solar powered digital models that can be seen at night.

Punxsutawney Phil has spoken and given his track record the Weather Wizard is going to follow his suggestions.  See you at the Best Decorative Outside Thermometers to start the early spring.

Galileo round pict


Lookin’ for the sunglasses,

Weather Wizard