Went to a Garden Party – It snowed!

I went to visit some locally spectacular gardens last weekend, hoping to get some insight as to how theses professional maintained gardens are cleaned up and prepared for the soon-to-be-coming warm spring weather. Although bundled well in coats, hats and gloves (warm weather not gardening), I was at least expecting sun, crocus poking up, buds looking like the time to flower was nearly at hand.

When we arrived, the snow was coming down so heavily that we never even got out the  shelter of our car. The wind had picked up to a not pleasant 15 MPH with gusts to 25 every few minutes, making it impossible to see anything possibly happening in the garden. After accumulating 2 more inches, we met with the rest of the party and the gentleman who   was our host at the nearby coffee shop and discussed how all the cold and snow was setting back our planting and growing season. (Last year I was in shorts picking lettuce out of the garden at this time).

Going back to my previous post about Puxatawny Phil and having admonished him for the blatantly lousy spring forecast (going on 8 weeks of winter).  It appears the local prosecutor was considering filing a law suit against Phil for his malfesensed forecast. After more speculation and reflection it was determined to drop the charges because weather forecasting is not considered enough of a science for a groundhog to be making these types of prediction with any real degree of accuracy.( If the TV forecasters can’t get it right, we  put our faith in a big toothed, furry rodent for accuracy?)

Ok Phil, I take it back – now please bring us our spring weather so we can cut and chop and plant and water and fertilizer our latest efforts to attempt to grow our own food,

The best way to get the temperature is with a decorative thermometer from www. and-the-temperature-is.com .

Still trying to plant lettuce with mittens,

Weather Wizard.

Hey Phil, What Happened to 6 Weeks?

The Thermometer Don’t Lie!

The very attractive thermometer (Vermont Window Thermometer ) outside my window is telling me it is 34 degrees F (1 degree C) .  lt’s the middle of March and you my predictive rodent, did indeed not see your shadow so spring was to be on its way.  It now has been 6 weeks since your big pronouncement and still, no spring.  Worse, we got 3 inches of snow last night to go with the less than acceptable temperatures.  What gives?

Sure you are going to tell me, well the first day of Spring is not until March 20th (today is the 16th). Secondly you are telling me that you in trying to predict the weather, an inexact science to say the least and third your forecasting instruments are rather primitive and that finally and fourth you just woke up and was forceably dragged out of your warm cozy bed and forced to make a decision on the spot.

Okay, Fine — You panicked under the pressure and took a SWAG.  You blew it, buddy, we are still stuck under this blanket of winter snow, cold weather, harsh wind, basically its still WINTER.  

I am going to send you a wireless, digital, weather station that will allow to look at all the  conditions that are occurring, in order to allow you to make a much more informed decision in your prognosticating every year. Pictures and information is available by clicking on the following link: Acu Rite Professional Weather Station

You will always be able to find the latest in Outdoor Thermometers at the web site, www.and-the-temperature-is.com.  Some examples are shown below.

Still Shivering looking for the Sun,

Weather Wizard

Betty Boop Classic Thermometer 

NOAA – mPING App for National Severe Storms Labratory with Outerdoor Thermometers

New smart phone app lets public report rain, hail, sleet and snow to NOAA.

What in the devil is Weather Wizard talking about now?

An app for our mobile phones so the average Joe can be a part of the National Severe Storm Advisory  and anonymously report precipitation from their Apple or Android mobile device. Don’t they have enough weather people now?

In conjunction with the University of Oklahoma and NOAA mPING Mobil Phone App is a downloadedable app for Iphones and Android mobile devices.  mPING stands for mobile Precipitation Identification Near the Ground. NSSL and OU researchers will use the mPING submissions to build a valuable database of tens of thousands of observations from across the United States.

With the mPING app, anyone can send a weather observation on the go. The user simply opens the app, selects the type of precipitation that is falling at his or her location, and presses submit. The user’s location and the time of the observation are automatically included in the report.

All submissions will become part of a research project called PING – Precipitation Identification Near the Ground. NSSL and OU researchers will use the mPING submissions to build a valuable database of tens of thousands of observations from across the United States.

All reports in the PING database, both past and real-time, can be viewed on the project’s web site. This allows anyone to see all observations in time and space to better identify the locations where hazardous forms of precipitation exist.

Many thanks for NOAA’s web site on the mPING reporting and allowing private citizens gain the brief rush of contributing to something important.  We have attached several websites for more information regarding the National Severe Storms Weather Advisory.

National Weather Service 

Storm Prediction Center

Weather Forecast for Your Locale

Citizens Weather Observation Program

To get instruments for measuring the weather in your backyard go to:

Best Outdoor Thermometers

Stay warm and dry, spring is a comin’,

Weather Wizard

PS check out this unique storm predictor

Storm Glass Weather Predictor – 

invented by the captain of Charles Darwin’s ship, Beagle.

Watching The Oscars – “The Temperature is Rising

Decorative Outdoor Thermometers presents:

The Oscars of Outdoor Thermometers

brought to you by “And-the-temperature-is.com


The Oscars were presented tonight for the stars of the screen and all those that support them.  It is always an exciting event and we wait breathlessly with the nominee  to find out whose name will be announced “THE WINNER”. Well, with such pagentry elegance, and dressing to the ‘nines’ (maybe even ’10s’).  The Weather Wizard has decided to declare the winners of the “And-the-temperature-is.com” website annual Oscars.

Without further ado, are are the winners of the top 4 individual awards: Click on the name of the thermometer to find out its complete bio. Share your thoughts and comments regarding the best outdoor thermometers of the website..

Still stuck on the Red Carpet,

The Weather Wizard

Best Actor     The Rose Thermometer                       

Best Director      Vermont Window Thermometer   

Best Picture: The Sunny Day Thermometer  Sunny Day Thermometer

Best Actresses:   Classic Coca-coca Metal ThermometerCoca-Cola Oval Thermometer Meter Thermometer

When Does F = C?

Decorative Outdoor Thermometers


Welcome to OnlineConversion.com

At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit the same?

The formulas for converting between degree Celsius and degree Fahrenheit are:

°F = (°C * 9/5) + 32
°C = (°F – 32) * 5/9

To find the temperature when both are equal, we use an old algebra trick and just set       ºF = ºC and solve one of the equations.

°C = (°C * 9/5) + 32
°C – (°C * 9/5) = 32
-4/5 * °C = 32
°C = -32 * 5/4
°C = -°F = (°F * 9/5) + 32

°F – (°F * 9/5) = 32
-4/5 * °F = 32
°F = -32 * 5/4
°F = -40

So the temperature when both the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are the same is -40 degrees. Figures it would be at some temperature we would never see? Or would we?

The Coldest Temperature ever recorded on Earth?

 -89.2 degrees Celsius (-128.5 degrees Fahrenheit) at Vostok, Antarctica on July 21, 1983. That all-time low broke the previous world-record minimum of -88.3 °C (-126.9 °F), set on August 24, 1960, also at Vostok.

The Coldest Temperature ever recorded in the United States?

Prospect Creek Camp, Alaska                -80 degrees F     -62.2 degrees C     Jan. 23, 1971

How about the Lower 48 States?

Rogers Pass, Montana                          -70 degrees F    – 56.7 degrees C     Jan. 20, 1954

It couldn’t get any cooler (could it?),

Scrambling for the parka,

Weather Wizard

Ground Hog Day – Go Phil

Decorative Outdoor Thermometers

Early Spring – Outside Early

        Image: Ron Ploucha holds Punxsutawney Phil after Phil predicted an early spring on Saturday in Punxsutawney, Pa. (© Alex Wong/Getty Images)

February 2nd has come again. Unlike Bill Murray in the movie, “Groundhog Day”, Phil only has to go through this weather forecasting predicting once a year. Well he did it again today. Spring will be early this year, Phil did not see his shadow this morning, giving us the Groundhog proclamation for an early spring.

With the onset of an early spring, an outdoor thermometer seems to be the ideal addition to your yard and garden decor.  Despite the seemingly warm weather coming early, there may well be some cooler days or nights and you are going to need to know about it. How better a way to judge the temperature outdoors this spring, than adding an 18″ Outdoor thermometer to mount on a post or hang from a tree branch and/or rafter where you can see it . Knowing what the temperature is helps in determining what types of plantings or when the vegetables can be planted.  Too soon and the night time cold kills early seedlings, too late and our advantage of the spring is wasted.

Go to the Best Decorative Outside Thermometers for selections of a wide variety of analog or digital outdoor thermometers for your yard. Large diameter analog styles to solar powered digital models that can be seen at night.

Punxsutawney Phil has spoken and given his track record the Weather Wizard is going to follow his suggestions.  See you at the Best Decorative Outside Thermometers to start the early spring.

Galileo round pict


Lookin’ for the sunglasses,

Weather Wizard

Calling All Weather Wonks –

 Citizens Weather Observer Program

Citizens Weather Observer Program

We look out our windows and notice that the wind is blowing or not, there is rain (snow, sleet) or not, an open window tells you if its warm, or not. And for most of us that answers just about all of our questions for the day.  And if you are more interested a thermometer is mounted outside where you can see it or a sensor sending the info to your kitchen counter, desk top, or wall thermometer.But, if you like to collect the weather, measure the rain fall, graph the temperature, watch the clouds, calculate the wind speed and want to do something with it, take a look at the Citizens Weather Observer Program.

The Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) is a public-private partnership with three main goals: 1) to collect weather data contributed by citizens; 2) to make these data available for weather services and homeland security; and 3) to provide feedback to the data contributors so that they have the tools to check and improve their data quality. In fact, the web address, wxqa.com, stands for weather quality assurance.Go look at its site for who, what, when, where, and how to participate or just read about on demand weather, go visit http://www.wxqa.com .

We have the link on the website at http://www.and-the-temperature-is.com/links.  If helping to predict or reporting the weather from your location is then the CWOP is for you.  Click on it and go nuts.

If you would like to watch the weather and report your findings, click HERE to be forwarded to the CWOP home page and information how YOU can be a member of the Citizens Weather Observation Program!

Wonking away from this one, Enjoy

Weather Wizard

Important Links for Weather Station Equipment:www.Wqxa.comwww.co.chelan.wa.us/pw/data/citizen_weather_observer.pdfwww.NOAA.gov

Decorative Outdoor Thermometers

Outdoor Thermometer for Spring?

Analog Dial or Digital?

Combination Clock/Thermometer?

How do I know which one or type my garden needs? How weather resistant can be? Where should it be placed? On a wall, on a post. hanging from a chain, with large numbers on a dial or perhaps a digital display?

Where can I find examples and pictures of the various types of temperature, time and humidity indication?

Do I need to run electric power out to the mounting location? Can it be seen at night? How big can it be, 14 inch diameter or maybe 36 inch?

Today the website www.and-the-temperature-is.com is ready and able to show you all the different possibilities for the final touch that will complete the garden decor or patio grouping.

The 27″ analog clock/thermometer, The Professor featured below on this posting. Some additional offerings are shown below as well.  Don’t let Spring sneak up on you and leave scrambling to complete everything for the spring and summer entertaining seasons. (and no you don’t have to run electric power out to the garden).

Here are some other potentials units for your pleasure:

Slate Mosaic Clock/Thermometer/Hygrameter Analog 24" diameter Slate Clock/Thermometer Analog 24″ diameter

Coca-Cola Thermometer

25 Days ’til Christmas POST UPDATE

Temperatures, Thermometers, the holidays and the like

My blog post from November 25th discussed the need for getting out and doing all of the Christmas chores and duties taken care of prior to the arrival of winter weather and of family.  Now the holidays are virtually over, how did we all do in getting things ready?

Anyone shopping on Christmas Eve? Still making Christmas cookies the morning of Christmas day? Having three more visitors that the kids invited or brought with them for dinner on Christmas day?  Did the cat climb up the tree and pull it over? Grandpa had too much Eggnogg punch again? You just finished wrapping the last present at 5:30am as the little kids came barrelling down the stairs? The turkey and the oven mis-communicated, leaving you 25 lbs of charcoal to serve?

At least you got out on line and purchased the unique outdoor clock/thermometers that I suggested to you in that posting. Did you go to http:www.and-the-temperature-is.com to find some of your most difficult Christmas presents?

There was free shipping, plenty of inventory and lots of efforts to make the presents show up on time to be opened.  If you did use BEST OUTDOOR THERMOMETERS, congratulations on a well planned Christmas holidays.  If not, I hope you had a great Christmas holidays anyway.

Keep us on your radar screen as we work to bring you more of great items that should fit and finish your outdoor decor with panache.  Keep checking back with this blog as I tell you more about the weather and products for measuring and analysizing your local weather and how to keep warm, dry, and enjoy this winter as it decends upon us.

still lookin’ for the sun,

Weather Wizard

Come on out and see at http:www.and-the-temperature-is.com


Temperatures: Fahrenheit or Celsius? How to Calculate Each.


Conversion of Temperature – Celsius to Fahrenheit  (without a thermometer)

Everyone knows that 0 degrees Celsius is the same as 32 degrees Fahrenheit and that 100 degrees Celsius is the same as 212 degrees Fahrenheit. BUT WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE TEMPERATURES IN BETWEEN?

The Weather Wizard has come to your rescue. After hours of grueling research, thumbing through dusty, ancient tomes from the days of yore, interviewing old scientists between alteimer’s breaks, and working through days of mathematics to develop the following formulas to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice-versa

OK fine, I just typed it into Google and came up with the following:

Everyone knows that 0 degrees Celsius is the same as 32 degrees Fahrenheit and that 100 degrees Celsius is the same as 212 degrees Fahrenheit. BUT WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE TEMPERATURES IN BETWEEN?

From www.EHOW.com is the following two articles:

Fahreheit Temperature to Celsius

In order to convert temperature to Celsius from Fahrenheit, subtract the Fahrenheit number by 32, multiply by 100 and divide by 180. Convert 72-degrees Fahrenheit to 22.2 Celsius with tips from a math teacher in this free video on math lessons.

Read more: Video: How to Convert Temperature From Fahrenheit to Celsius | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/video_4991166_convert-temperature-fahrenheit-celsius.html#ixzz2FYQY9oyI

Celsius Temperature to Fahrenheit.


Complete the portion of the equation in the brackets. For example, if you were converting 98 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius, your formula would look like:

Tc = (5/9)*(98-32)

Tc= (0.556)*(66)

Multiply the values in the two brackets together to find out the temperature in Celsius. The formula would look like:  Tc= 36.696

Pretty simple huh. Okay so I didn’t really work all that hard to find these simple equations.  Like everything else, the answers available if you ask the right questions.

Best Idea is to get a thermometer with dual scales both Fahrenheit and Celsius like the one listed below: Galileo round pict

Go to http://www.and-the-temperature-is.com/roundgalileo

This Galileo unit has both temperature scales so reading both at once is the easiest way for conversion. There are numerous other thermometers, clock/thermometer combinations for sale at the Decorative Outdoor Thermometers web site.

Listed below are some additional sites with information about Celsius, Fahrenheit, and even Kelvin scales.

Good Luck with interpretations, I’m still working on keeping the sun,

Merry Christmas,
Weather Wizard.


Read more: How to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Kelvins | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_7923703_convert-fahrenheit-celsius-kelvins.html#ixzz2FYRnERUR
