NOAA – mPING App for National Severe Storms Labratory with Outerdoor Thermometers

New smart phone app lets public report rain, hail, sleet and snow to NOAA.

What in the devil is Weather Wizard talking about now?

An app for our mobile phones so the average Joe can be a part of the National Severe Storm Advisory  and anonymously report precipitation from their Apple or Android mobile device. Don’t they have enough weather people now?

In conjunction with the University of Oklahoma and NOAA mPING Mobil Phone App is a downloadedable app for Iphones and Android mobile devices.  mPING stands for mobile Precipitation Identification Near the Ground. NSSL and OU researchers will use the mPING submissions to build a valuable database of tens of thousands of observations from across the United States.

With the mPING app, anyone can send a weather observation on the go. The user simply opens the app, selects the type of precipitation that is falling at his or her location, and presses submit. The user’s location and the time of the observation are automatically included in the report.

All submissions will become part of a research project called PING – Precipitation Identification Near the Ground. NSSL and OU researchers will use the mPING submissions to build a valuable database of tens of thousands of observations from across the United States.

All reports in the PING database, both past and real-time, can be viewed on the project’s web site. This allows anyone to see all observations in time and space to better identify the locations where hazardous forms of precipitation exist.

Many thanks for NOAA’s web site on the mPING reporting and allowing private citizens gain the brief rush of contributing to something important.  We have attached several websites for more information regarding the National Severe Storms Weather Advisory.

National Weather Service 

Storm Prediction Center

Weather Forecast for Your Locale

Citizens Weather Observation Program

To get instruments for measuring the weather in your backyard go to:

Best Outdoor Thermometers

Stay warm and dry, spring is a comin’,

Weather Wizard

PS check out this unique storm predictor

Storm Glass Weather Predictor – 

invented by the captain of Charles Darwin’s ship, Beagle.

Check out the Thermometer Guy!

I stumbled over his blog the other day.  This guy knows about all kinds of thermometers and writes about them in his periodic blog. He discusses which to use for what and why a meat thermometer works but why it doesn’t work as a rectal thermometer.  Although it has been used as a weapon according The Thermometer Guy’s posts. is his blog site, so take a peek. He seems fairly knowledgeable and far be it from me to argue.

How these crazy things work and why in the world anyone would want to know more about them he does.  I just try to sell thermometers for your enjoyment and display ( and he is discussing the proper uses and relevance of them.

Remember the difference, he discusses thermometers in his blog while I am the Weather Wizard soooooo, just keep us both in mind.

Here to finding a rainbow out there somewhere in the low lying winter clouds,

The Weather Wizard (still seeking the sun)