As the Planting Begins, the Weather Warms. (?)

…And the forecast for tonight is for a low of 38 degrees

Who in the world is this weather guy? Come on, it’s May 10th.  Yesterday was 80 degrees and tonight it’s 38!  We planted lettuce, beets, peas, onion, broccoli with spinach and arugala and green beans to follow in the coming weeks.

Our trusty Vermont outdoor window thermometer keeps going down and down as Spring progresses. (to be continued)

——————————————————————————————————————–It is now May 23, 2013 and the forecast for tonight ( is for a low temperature of 40 degrees tonight. Two days ago the low was 70 and the high was 89. Fortunately, we have not planted any more of the veggies yet, so at least they will be spared the cold weather.

Even the cat has decided to move back into the garage after spending much of the past week outside. I guess he needs a thermometer to figure out whether or not to go outside again.

What kind of thermometer do you get a cat? He’s pretty smart but still can’t read or even recognize letters and numbers. How about a Galileo Floating Ball thermometer? The balls go up when it is warm or hot and down when it is cold. It’s got colored balls for each temperature rating so he would be able to tell if it is warm out or cold out.

Galileo thermometerCat predictions aside, we are looking at a fantastic summer season coming up and what better ways to present your lakeside friends with a completely unique indoor/outdoor lythermometer for their porch, patio or pool side walls.

Just click on Best Outdoor Thermometers website and enjoy searching for your dream thermometer.

Still looking for the constant weather.

The Weather Wizard.

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